Hi Deb:
I’m still learning how to…. Any way, yes the Buckles Cabins are still there. I owned them from 2004-2018. You can find more info from the new owner at Betty’s Hideout. I still have two cabins I rent out on Spider Lake on the same street as the Buckles. So, if you want to come to the area and don’t want to stay at Betty’s let me know.
231-357-1211 shawnscabins@gmail.com
My parents used to rent the middle cabin on Spider Lake from Mr and Mrs Buckles. Are these cabins still there?
Hi Deb:
I’m still learning how to…. Any way, yes the Buckles Cabins are still there. I owned them from 2004-2018. You can find more info from the new owner at Betty’s Hideout. I still have two cabins I rent out on Spider Lake on the same street as the Buckles. So, if you want to come to the area and don’t want to stay at Betty’s let me know.