Contact and Map
I hope this contact and map information is helpful; if you have any questions or concerns let me know.
Shawn’s Boats & Cabins
4162 Lakeview Trail
Traverse City, MI 49696
Call Shawn today! 231-357-1211
FYI – The Seasonality of the Traverse City Area
The Spring
Generally, the short term vacation rental season in the Traverse City/Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan area begins in April about the time the snow is melting off and the Crocus Flowers and Asparagus are starting to grow. If you can, this is a fine time to visit as the air is fresh, river waters are running high, there are no bugs, plant life is starting anew and rents are low and very negotiable. Most rentals will not be fully ready at this time because the lakes and grounds may still be slightly frozen but, at the least if a cabin or cottage is cleaned and ready to go inside then I say getaway because this is a beautiful and refreshing time and the crowds are at a minimum.
For the locals it seems this is when the new year begins, not so much in January! For them, this is the time to follow-through on last year’s undone stuff and start the long winter’s dreams of what shall be when the snow and ice are gone. The tradition for property owners of second homes up-north is to arrive on Memorial Weekend and open their vacation home, clean the yard and maybe put the dock and boat in. Then for them, it’s time to relax and dream of the possibilities before the Labor Day Weekend arrives and the closing up of the second home begins.
The summer
For the working locals, summer is the time to capitalize on making money and often that is tied into the tourist season but regardless, winter is coming! Not all is work and no play as they too will partake in the weather, the festivities and all they can for now, whether they want to or not. The second homeowner will plod along maybe coming and going maybe staying the summer enjoying their lives for now well knowing it doesn’t last long enough! For the tourist, well…the kids are out of school! Yippee! Let’s go up-north and get away from this life of ours and venture into learning something new and exciting by seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting! Then it is back to school and reality! Hopefully, they all leave feeling they got what they set out for and the kids can share their findings with their friends and classmates.
The Fall
For the second homeowners, as I said earlier, the fall is a time for putting things away and closing up until springtime-Bye! …till Memorial Weekend! For the tourist, the fall can be another excellent getaway time like the spring only the leaves turn color and begin to fall as nature gets ready for the winter! What a popular and beautiful time this is! For the local, it is about wrapping up another season of growth and prosperity! Hopefully! Hell-O winter! For me…after everything is put away, I’m taking a nap! Maybe, I’ll watch some TV…catch up on the news of the world…cook and eat too…maybe take a trip somewhere! Oh, the possibilities! Definitely, catch up with friends elsewhere! Ahhhhhh…!